You Are Success!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Who Am I and What Do I Want?

With the new year now in full swing, many people are looking to start the next twelve months off with a positive change in their lives. What do I want to do this year and how am I going to accomplish this? For many, the answer is "I don't know what I want" or "I don't know how to get where I want".

The issue is that people tend to focus on trying to find answers but they tend to neglect asking themselves the right questions. How do you know what it is that you are looking for if you don't even know what you want? How are you supposed to find something that you will find fulfilling in your life if you don't know what it is that you are passionate about?

The key is to begin searching for the answers from within. Stop looking for answers from the outside because you'll only be living the life that others want you to live and you will not be creating your own true identity! Begin to reflect on what it is that truly makes you tick and what it is that you are passionate about. Once you figure these things out it'll become easier for you to begin searching for ways to realize your true potential.

Here's an exercise that can help you in finding yourself. Find a place where you can really relax and have some undisturbed time to yourself. Give yourself some time and reflect back on your life with all of the experiences that have led you to the point that you are at today. Begin from where you are now and then begin to look back to the events that led you to this moment and continue to work your way backwards year by year. Focus on the paths that you chose and how they made you feel. Think about the people that you met and how they impacted your life (both positively and negatively). Reflect on the positive influences and think about what it was that they did which left a footprint in your life. Also, remember those who may have guided you in an unfavourable direction and learn from those experiences so that you may avoid similar occurrences from happening in the future.

The longer you spend on finding yourself, the stronger and more confident you will become in knowing who you are and what it is that you would like to accomplish with your life.


  • Hi primo!

    Very nice place to think what we are or want we wnat for our life!

    Paulo César
    Azores - Portugal

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/11/2006 7:29 a.m.  

  • Primo,

    Great post! I enjoyed reading it. I'm going to add a link for your blog to my site. Feel free to link my blog on your site if you find the content interesting.

    Greg's blog>


    By Blogger Greg, at 1/12/2006 5:18 p.m.  

  • Hey Paulo, it's great to hear from you from all the way overseas! I'm glad you had a chance to swing by my blog!

    And Greg I do enjoy the content on your blog and your positive messages. I too have linked to your site. Oh and by the way "primo" means cousin in Portuguese :)

    Best Wishes,

    By Blogger Jeff Pontes, at 1/12/2006 5:33 p.m.  

  • hey, motivator, :-), just as what two friends said above, I also enjoyed reading your blog! Thirsty for reading more! Do you mind linking your blog to mine? Let me know.


    By Blogger refr., at 1/15/2006 2:04 a.m.  

  • Most people know what they are passionate about.

    Your exercise can help them discover how to approach it.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/18/2006 10:53 p.m.  

  • Thanks for spreading so much light... it helps people grow.

    Keep the light on!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/19/2006 1:06 a.m.  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/15/2007 9:48 a.m.  

  • Thank you! Someone emailed this text to me when I was going to a particularly difficult time earlier... I didn't know where it came from... I've now included the info.

    By Blogger Kimberly Monaco, at 1/22/2008 11:43 a.m.  

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