Do You Want it Bad Enough?

In the end it is you who makes the choices in your life and it is you who must live with the consequences of your decisions. So if you want things to change then you simply must find that drive from within you (trust me it is in there somewhere) and release it from its cage.
Consider the following hypothetical scenario:
A messenger from the future has come to warn you that you will die within 30 days if you do not accomplish a specific mission.
How would this situation effect you and what would you do? The answer is simple. You would do everything and just about anything you had to do in order to achieve your mission. Think about this. When faced with the appropriate challenge you are able to find the passion and burning drive to reach your goal which means that we all have it within us all the time! We just don't choose to tap into it.
This just goes to show you that if you want something bad enough you will do what it takes to get it. Take this opportunity to ask yourself......
If you are not where you want to be in your life then you know what the answer to the question is.
That's it. I've decided I really do love your site! I have been coming by a few times a week and each new piece I read leaves me inspired. This piece really speaks to me because in the last few weeks I made the decision to get off my butt and go after my dreams. For the longest time I have let opportunites just slip by because I was not prepared or afraid to go for it. Since I made the choice to live as fearless as possiable, good things have started happening already. Thanks for creating such a great site. I have a few friends I think would really be inspired by what you're writing. I'll be sure to let them know. And I'll be back...
Anonymous, at 2/04/2006 3:35 p.m.
Hi I like yr site. It is inspiring. I have added you to my site at Happiness is Bliss. Marvellous. : )
Peace, at 2/05/2006 7:46 p.m.
good ass post my friend
thomas, at 2/07/2006 2:34 p.m.
I agree. I've been coming by your site for a while now. It's so inspiration and great fodder for thought.
I'm gonna add you as a link. Hope that's ok?
Keep on posting! :-)
ramblingmuse, at 2/07/2006 10:20 p.m.
Thanks my friends! I greatly appreciate your feedback and welcome people to share their thoughts and views. My goal is to create a positive community and to help everyone who visits my blog to grow.
You are welcome to link to my site and I will do my best to continue to inspire you all!
Best Wishes to everyone!
Jeff Pontes, at 2/08/2006 12:49 a.m.
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Anonymous, at 10/26/2007 12:05 a.m.
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